If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else.
It is vital not only that you believe that you can be richer and more successful, but that you actually have enough self-confidence to do what it takes.
Divide your ambitions in to increments…take the first steps towards my goal…what can you do within a fortnight? A month? A year? Motivation of course, is a key factor. So each goal should have an in-built reward for reaching it.
However, the millionaires were selfish in one sense. They had their goals, priorities, vision, and none of them allowed themselves to be blown off course by others priorities, others expectations of them or the wish to kowtow to others demands. In other words, they were self-motivated by praise, or the need to be loved. They pursued their own objectives…
Trying to please everyone is after all, a recipe foe pleasing no one, especially yourself.
If you focus, set goals and work hard, its amazing how much luckier you can become!
This is because for highly successful people, work is not about time, its about results. They also really, really enjoy it. There is nothing they like more than talking about their company, career, or business, thinking about it and doing what it takes to create success. Indeed, when it comes to the reasons for their success, millionaires put hard work second only to being trustworthy, with enjoying work a close third. Taking opportunities and having intelligence, while important, are seen as less critical.
They believe that not only can they succeed, but they will succeed, and are willing to put in the effort to do so. They are not worriers or fretters.
Facing up to failure - …indeed, several interviewed said that they only regarded something as a failure if they made the same mistake twice.
John Madjedksi, then serial entrepreneur and founder of Autotrader: “We are born with nothing and we leave with nothing. I also find it fascinating that once you can afford anything you desire, you find that you don’t want anything.”
1. If you want to be a multimillionaire, be an entrepreneur. Owning your own business is where the really big money really is.
2. Believe you can do it and you are halfway there.
3. You need to want it body and soul – and be prepared to put the effort in – especially in the early days.
4. Set goals for yourself in your career and personal life. Pick your priorities and stick with them.
5. Drive and ambition are vital.
6. Expect to fail at least once – learn from your mistakes and let them go.
7. Don’t play it by the book: learn to think laterally, do it differently.
8. Take a chance – risk taking is vital to success.
9. Don’t let others pull you down.
10. Love what you do and you’ll want to do more of it and will make more money from it.
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