It is doubtful that we ever really forget anything. Our brain squirrels away images of the most trivial events. The more vivid the image and the more important it to us, the more easily we recall it.
Most of us think the use of words we use reflect meanings and that what they mean can be good or bad, true or false, powerful or weak. True, but that is only the half of it. Words do not just reflect reality, but they create it, like the flow of saliva.
…we say, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”
“Negative thoughts, negative suggestions, have no influence on me at any level of mind.”
You may have heard meditation is a fine thing but you must be careful not to become so enchanted by it that you do it too much. This, it is said, can lead to a withdrawal from the world and an unhealthy preoccupation with yourself.
True, most of us are imprisoned by narrow ideas of who we are and what we can do.
Those who become technique collectors take time away from developing a few useful ones to the point of mastery.
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